Physio Planet Physiotherapy Clinic

is a leading healthcare facility dedicated to providing exceptional care and rehabilitation services to individuals seeking to optimize their physical well-being and overcome musculoskeletal challenges. With a team of highly skilled and compassionate physiotherapists, we strive to enhance the lives of our patients by promoting mobility, reducing pain, and restoring functional independence.

About Us

At our clinic, we understand that every person is unique and requires personalized attention. We offer specialized treatments and therapies to address various conditions, including sports injuries, post-operative recovery, and chronic pain management. Our team utilizes evidence-based practices, cutting-edge techniques, and state-of-the-art equipment to deliver the highest quality care and achieve optimal outcomes.

Our Services

In addition to our clinical services, we actively engage in ongoing professional development to stay at the forefront of the latest advancements in physiotherapy. This commitment to continuous learning enables us to offer our patients the most effective and innovative treatments, ensuring they receive the best possible care.

Our Services


đź“ŤThe Bignall Building, Intersection of Hagley
Park Road and Maxfield Ave, Half-Way-Tree,
Kingston 10



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